Hi there! You've just landed on my page! :)

I'm Phung Tuan Hoang, a year 3 Computer Engineering Student in National University of Singapore. This is my first attempt at developing website with HTML/CSS/JS, and also a good opportunity for me to showcase the projects that I have done.

My projects

(Click on the tiles to find out more)

Souschef - an automated beverage dispensing startup in Singapore

Make your own drink - a graphical interface for users to customise ingredients for their cocktails

  • Java
  • Android
Souschef - an automated beverage dispensing startup in Singapore

Souschef Firebase Dashboard - a React web application to manage user QR codes for drink dispensing

  • Javascript
  • ReactJS
  • HTML
  • CSS
CP2106: Independent Software Development Project (Orbital)

To the sky - an endless runner game written in Java

  • Java
  • Android
  • LibGDX
PSA Game IT 2017 Contest

“Port-Ship Adventure” – a game to promote PSA Singapore, written in Java

  • Java
  • Android
  • LibGDX
CS2103 Software Engineering Project

Blast! - a contacts management Java application targeted for tutors and businessmen

  • Java
  • JavaFX